TOP 5 points – Cannabis micro Licensing Application Guide by Pipe Dreemz

Welcome to health Canada, health Canada is now legally give people to obtain a license so that you can now produce marijuana in your home. In April 2018, health Canada passed new resolutions that people now could grow marijuana in their small facility of marijuana which could be maximum of 100 m. sq or maximum of 2153 square ft. Before only people will large facility and huge space only could grow marijuana (Like more than 10, 000 sq. ft of space). This move is actually for those who want used to grow marijuana illegally and now got a chance to produce it legally. As you know there are two kinds of license which is – 1) standard marijuana cultivation license and 2) Micro cultivation marijuana license. With Help of micro license program people of Canada now would be able produce marijuana legally within in own space.

However, the micro licensing systems comes with many procedure, terms, conditions, rules etc. Those are called same as standard license program so I am only telling you the important ones here. The points that you must follow while you are ready to grow micro growing system of marijuana and those are following –

  1. Infrastructure – The grow must not be larger than 200 square meter or 2153 square feet. If the grow room is more than this apply for standard license program. Doing so is violation of health Canada policy. The health Canada does not define the which process you will use while cultivating the marijuana. But health Canada gave quantity i.e. 600 Kg or marijuana processing each year ( It is total amount that is in dried , 600 Kg in case of oil , cannabis oil , marijuana seeds etc form) . The health Canada will issue one license for only one site. If you have multiple sites you need to apply for those marijuana license. You cannot produce marijuana in the same land you are living. You need to build building separately and then apply for license.
  2. Condition – No ready to build facility will get cannabis license. You need to be preparing yourself and your facility so that it would help you and your company to get license. You will install quality control, quality marijuana processing, good manufacturing practices, and good production practices. You need to show to marijuana inspection that everything is ready and just require license for plantation.
  3. Security – The very important part that health Canada takes care of is security system and this is very important. There are matters like – installing hardware and software, CCTV cameras to track people 24 X 7 and also processing waste materials of marijuana. Health does not do any compromise with security. It will come to you daily after you got license for inspection of the marijuana infrastructure built. Health Canada also wants to know how you are selling your marijuana products, where you are selling your products. They will make sure that this marijuana is not going to wrong hand.
  4. Plan of action – Health Canada will give you license for both cultivation and processing. The both kind of license is also required for analytical testing, research works as well. Health Canada developed a cannabis tracking system for that. Health Canada also states that the investor or the owner of the cannabis micro growing system owner should perform an organization security plan, which entail outlining security plan, infrastructure, operating procedures, hardware & software requirements & their functionalities. They also need to produce an organizational chart which will produce them with visual representation of how authority, responsibility and information are to flow within the chart. It would also show accounts, finance, marketing, production and production techniques. The organizational chart will also show any product movement beyond minimal amounts, setting operational procedures, including standard operating procedures, sensitive security or business knowledge, financial controls, including but not limited to the ability to enter into contracts for goods and services.
  5. Application process – 1st of all you need to decide what type of application you are going to apply for. As said before there are three kind of license actually – a) standard cultivation b) Micro Cultivation c) Nursery. I have discussed the 1st types before and now about nursery. It is even smaller place (mainly for only personal needs) where you need to have facility no more than 50 meter square. If you are making/ producing cannabis on a large scale then you need to do standard processing, in case of micro cultivation do it in micro processing. And form those you could easily manufacture cannabis products. Then you can manufacture cannabis oil form that, you could donate, sale, export marijuana only for medical purposes. You can do research cannabis; you could also have marijuana for analytical testing purposes as well. License holders can conduct research and development activities within their authorized licensed activities. If the license holder wishes to conduct research and development activities outside of their authorized license activities, they must apply for a separate research license.

Those who are the corporate people, they need to go through a different kind of licensing process. This is actually applicable for partnership firm, co-operatives and corporation type firms. While you create a corporate profile you need to register with health Canada and then create ID for it. But while you are building a corporate profile, you need more documentation like – The full legal name of the organization , the incorporation number , Business address and contact details , Controlling organizations (noted as “Parent Corporation” in the CTLS) if applicable , certificate of incorporation or partnership agreement . In such cases organization is too required. The organizational chart must say the following things – a) must demonstrate the relationships between senior positions within the organization and the various controlling individuals or entities, if applicable. b) Must include all names and titles of senior management positions such as directors and officers of the organization and any controlling individual or entity, if applicable. Does not need to include the site-specific organizational information (e.g., the site head of security, master grower, QAP). This specific organizational information is required as part of a specific application and is to be included in the OSP.

Pipe Dreemz is the company who will help you to obtain such a license on behalf of yourself. Contact us today we will guide you, how to obtain Micro cultivation license application. We will guide you in each step. If your application is rejected by health Canada in any step we will guide for re-submission. Call us at 1-833-226-2776 or email us at

We look forward to work with you.

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